
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Journey.

The Journey.

I have been in Venice for nearly 3 months now. And I chose a picture from last summer because this winter has been so cold and dull, I want to just look at my summer photos and feel a little bit warmer.

This is certainly the most unique experience I've ever had. This is the first country I have ever lived in where, not only do I not fit in in anyway, I also am struggling to understand the culture, history, language and true essence of what it means to be an Italian. I'm certainly trying to throw myself into my surroundings but I struggle to remain in the present. I always think about what the future will hold which prevents me from living in the now. 

I know that one year from now I will look back at what I did today and how that impacted my time here. School is important, but more important than the classes I'm attending is the new life lessons I receive living here. Italy is one man's reality and another's fairy tale. If someone had told me even one year ago that I would be living in Italy I probably would have laughed in their face. But here I am. I definitely need to be more adventurous here and say yes to new experiences so I truly understand life here!

The best teacher is experience and not through someone’s distorted point of view
— Jack Kerouac, On the Road
La Festa della Salute

La Festa della Salute

Art Class: Diaspora Pavilion @ the Biennale

Art Class: Diaspora Pavilion @ the Biennale